API V2.0.0


All the global options available.

element (required)/String or HTMLCanvasElementA CSS selector for the canvas element or the HTMLCanvasElement itself (e.g. '#granim-canvas' or document.querySelector('#granim-canvas')) that will be used for the gradient animation.
namefalseStringThis is the prefix used for the dark / light class name added on the options.elToSetClassOn element depending on the average gradient lightness, the class will be updated during the animation.
If you don't set a name, the class won't be set.
elToSetClassOn'body'StringThe element to set the dark / light class on (e.g. '#canvas-wrapper')
Only useful if you set a name.
direction'diagonal'StringThe orientation of the gradient, you can choose between:
  • 'diagonal'
  • 'left-right'
  • 'top-bottom'
  • 'radial'
  • 'custom'
customDirection/ObjectLet you customize the direction of the gradient with pixels or percentage values with the following format:
  x0: '10%',
  y0: '25px',
  x1: '30%',
  y1: '322px'
This property is required when the propertydirection is set tocustom.
For more details, checkout the documentation of the createLinearGradient function.
isPausedWhenNotInViewfalseBooleanDoes the animation stop when it's not in window view?
(Despite this parameter, the animation always pause when changing tab).
scrollDebounceThreshold300IntWhat is the scroll debounce threshold (in ms)?
Only useful if isPausedWhenNotInView is set to true.
stateTransitionSpeed1000IntDuration of the animation when changing state (in ms).
defaultStateName'default-state'StringThe name of the default state.
states (required)/ObjectObject containing all the states, see more info below.
image/ObjectObject containing image options, see more info below.


All the options available to customize the states and the different gradients.
Create a state with the name you want then add these parameters.
By default, the name of your first state is 'default-state', you can change it with options.defaultStateName.

gradients (required)/Array of ArraysYou can set the gradients in two different ways:
1. The simple way, you only set the colors that will be evenly distributed, e.g.
  ['rgba(255, 153, 102, .33)', '#ff5e62', ...],
  ['hsla(144, 100%, 47%, .75)', 'hsl(210, 96%, 46%)', ...],
2. The complex way, you set the colors and their positions (ranging from 0 to 1), e.g.
    { color: 'rgba(255, 153, 102, .33)', pos: .5 },
    { color: '#ff5e62', pos: 1 }, ...
  ], [
    { color: 'hsla(144, 100%, 47%, .75)', pos: .1 },
    { color: 'hsl(210, 96%, 46%)', pos: .6 }, ...
The colors type accepted are: hexadecimal, rgb, rgba, hsl and hsla. All the gradients should contain the same number of colors.
transitionSpeed5000IntTransition duration between each gradient (in ms).
looptrueBooleanWhen the animation has arrived to the last gradient, does it repeat?


All the options available to customize the image.
The blending Mode works only if you set an image and gradients.

source (required)/StringThe source of your image, e.g. 'img/800x200.jpg'.
position['center', 'center']ArrayThe position of your image in the canvas, represented as an [x, y] array.
Possible values for x:
  • 'left'
  • 'center'
  • 'right'
Possible values for y:
  • 'top'
  • 'center'
  • 'bottom'
stretchMode/ArrayDoes the image have to stretch ? This option is useful for liquid/responsive design. Represented as an [x, y] array.
Possible values for x and y:
  • 'none'
  • 'stretch'
  • 'stretch-if-smaller'
  • 'stretch-if-bigger'
blendingMode/StringHow the image should blend with the gradient ? You can see all the possible values on MDN.


You can set callbacks.

onStartfalseFunctionTriggered when the animation start.
onGradientChangefalseFunctionTriggered when a gradient change and loop.
onEndfalseFunctionTriggered when the animation end.

Emitted events

Granim will emit events you can listen to at key moments.

// You can listen to these events:
// - granim:start
// - granim:end
// - granim:loop
// - granim:gradientChange

// js var canvasElement = document.querySelector('#granim-canvas'); canvasElement.addEventListener('granim:start', function(event) { console.log(event); });
// with jQuery $('#granim-canvas').on('granim:start', function(event) { console.log(event); })


Methods to control the gradients.

// Play the animation

// Pause the animation granimInstance.pause();
// Stop the animation and clear the gradient granimInstance.clear();
// Change state by putting its name in the argument granimInstance.changeState('state-name');
// [v1.1.0] Change the direction granimInstance.changeDirection('direction-name');
// [v1.1.0] Change the blending mode (useful only if you use an image) granimInstance.changeBlendingMode('blending-mode-name');
// [v1.1.0] Destroy an instance and remove its events listeners granimInstance.destroy();

Complete configuration

Complete configuration with two states, an image and callbacks set.

var granimInstance = new Granim({
    element: '',
    name: 'granim',
    elToSetClassOn: 'body',
    direction: 'diagonal',
    isPausedWhenNotInView: false,
    scrollDebounceThreshold: 300,
    stateTransitionSpeed: 1000,
    image : {
        source: '../assets/img/bg-forest.jpg',
        position: ['center', 'bottom'],
        stretchMode: ['stretch', 'stretch-if-bigger'],
        blendingMode: 'multiply',
    states : {
        "default-state": {
            gradients: [
                ['#834d9b', '#d04ed6'],
                ['#1CD8D2', '#93EDC7']
            transitionSpeed: 5000,
            loop: true
        "dark-state": {
            gradients: [
                ['#757F9A', '#D7DDE8'],
                ['#5C258D', '#4389A2']
            transitionSpeed: 5000,
            loop: true
    onStart: function() {
        console.log('Granim: onStart');
    onGradientChange: function(colorDetails) {
        console.log('Granim: onGradientChange, details: ');
    onEnd: function() {
        console.log('Granim: onEnd');

You can use more than 2 colors for the gradients, but cannot have different length of colors in the different states.

var granimInstance = new Granim({
    element: '',
    name: 'granim',
    elToSetClassOn: 'body',
    direction: 'diagonal',
    isPausedWhenNotInView: false,
    scrollDebounceThreshold: 300,
    stateTransitionSpeed: 1000,
    states : {
        "default-state": {
            gradients: [
                ['#834d9b', '#d04ed6', '#1CD8D2', '#93EDC7'],
                ['#1CD8D2', '#93EDC7', '#757F9A', '#4389A2']
            transitionSpeed: 5000,
            loop: true
        "dark-state": {
            gradients: [
                ['#757F9A', '#D7DDE8', '#1CD8D2', '#93EDC7'],
                ['#5C258D', '#4389A2', '#1CD8D2', '#93EDC7']
            transitionSpeed: 5000,
            loop: true